Changing Roles

Last week was one of my favorite weeks of the year: the Catholic Writers Conference Online.

I’m in a season of life where traveling isn’t feasible very often, which makes this chance to network and share with other Catholic writers even more meaningful for me.

You see, I’m an extrovert trapped in an introvert’s calling.

How many writers do you know who love socializing, thrill for get-togethers, long to get out?

Yeah, that’s what I thought: not many.

Back when this online conference got started (has it been four years already?), I was a writer-in-secret. This year, I came to the conference with a more seasoned attitude, a passel of my own experience, and in a new role.

This year, I was a presenter.

It strikes me as hilarious. My prayer, over the last four years as I’ve discerned first, whether I should write and then what and how I should write, has been to be an instrument.

Who knew God listens?!?

In that new role this year (with a baby on my lap for much of the time, and heavily depending on my saintly mother-in-law to help me with my little kids), I discovered something that I knew back in my undergraduate days: I love teaching.

Apparently God knows what He’s doing.

Why am I surprised, again and again, when my life experience reinforces this truth?

Next week, I’ll share some of my blogging advice in my column here. If you weren’t able to participate in the CWCO, what would you like to know?

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