Coming Up with Blogging Content

“How do you write so much?”

Usually, answering this by saying that I either (a) have to keep the voices in my head quiet or (b) that I have a lot to say doesn’t satisfy the people asking.

So here you go. Here’s the secret to how I come up with content: People, Life, and Books.

I have three kids. They are a great source for blogging material, especially the resident preschooler.

That said, other people in my life often inspire me, though I will often be careful of identifying characteristics. Paying attention to the people in my life has been the lifeblood of much of my writing, but then, I’m a people person.

Who’s in your life to inspire you, to make you think, to serve as a writing prompt?

I live in the country, so nature is at my fingertips. My old farmhouse seems to be an ideal stopping place for lots of little flying insects, including wasps. My pets and livestock seem to have almost as endless a supply of antics as my preschooler.

And then there are the sunsets, the odd moments of driving or parking or just being, the duties of my vocation.

What’s your life? Where do you live? What’s your work? How can you turn something that’s ordinary into something that’s altogether different?

I’m happiest when my nose is in a book, so it’s natural that I blog about books–reviews, thoughts, excerpts, contests, lists. Books also give me ideas for my own writing, inspire me to deeper thought and contemplation on topics that I might never have approached on my own, and serve as a gateway to the world.

Do you have a hobby or a passion? How can you include it in your blogging?

YOUR TURN: Think of three things that can serve as a content base for your blogging efforts. I’d love to hear about them in the comments!

Sarah Reinhard, author of Welcome Baby Jesus: Advent & Christmas Reflections for Families, is a Catholic wife, mom, and certifiably addicted blogger who can be found online at

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