"Enjoy em while they’re little"

When my oldest was a rambunctious toddler, I always groaned inwardly when a well-meaning matron would advise me, “Enjoy her while she’s little!”

Easy for HER to say, I’d fume, she’s probably forgotten the intricacies of enjoyment.

Now, a few years and a couple of kids later, I have a glimpse of just what those well-meaning matrons meant.

Enjoying is a choice, and it’s not always an easy one. In the face of spilled milk, spit-up green beans, and a gallon of water you-don’t-wanna-know-where, you can laugh or you can scream. You can see the opportunity for grace in action or you can berate the circumstances that aligned to ruin your moment.

I’ve found the same to be true of blogging. At first, your blog’s a new baby, perfect in every way. Ten fingers, ten toes. Look how it smiles and shimmers!

And then come the sleepless nights: you don’t wanna keep writing, you can’t think of anything clever, and it’s starting to feel suspiciously like work.

I often wonder if people know how I long for older children. Being told to enjoy my kids while they’re little is like advising a cat lover to curl up with a Jack Russell.

Even so, there are fleeting moments and things I find myself forgetting. There are treasures waiting to be stored and shared thanks to the little people in my life.

Don’t forget, when the shine starts to wear off of your blog, that you should still be enjoying it and that enjoying it is a choice you can make. Do you need to rework your topics? Do you need to spruce things up, invite some folks to guest post, take a little breather?

Don’t give up on your blog. Enjoy it, whether it’s little or not.

Sarah Reinhard, author of Welcome Baby Jesus: Advent & Christmas Reflections for Families, is a Catholic wife, mom, and certifiably addicted blogger who can be found online at SnoringScholar.com.

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