Tips from Experts

I’m tight on time for this week’s column, so I thought I’d share some links to other people’s wisdom.

On Becoming Better:
Matthew Paul Turner, of Jesus Needs New PR, shares 9 Ways to Become a Better Blogger. I’m a big fan of #3: “Be funny, sensational, opinionated, over-the-top, interesting, deep, provocative–just be SOMETHING that sets you apart from others.”

And #4: “Stop complicating blogging. People over-think blogging all the time. It’s just a blog! Simplify your process.”

Oh, and…well, pretty much all of them. Go read it and see what you think.

On Mistakes You Make:
Michael Hyatt asks “Do You Make These 10 Mistakes When You Blog?” I do. Which is why I have this post bookmarked to revisit from time to time.

For Novelists (and the rest of us, too!):
I’m an avid reader of fiction, but not a writer of it. Even so, I found this listing of 25 blogs every aspiring novelist should read to be interesting and, well, addictive. 🙂

Because She ROCKS:
I make no secret of the fact that I’m a BIG fan of Jen Fulwiler, the blogger behind Conversion Diary. She’s quite a writer, and her posts about running two blogs in the midst of a busy life (she has four kids under 7 and is pregnant with #5) and her series on building traffic to your blog (part 1 and part 2) are great.

Share any great links you have in the comments!

Sarah Reinhard, author of Welcome Baby Jesus: Advent & Christmas Reflections for Families, is a Catholic wife, mom, blogger, reader, and farm girl who can be found online at

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