Blogging with the Spirit

I’ve been pretty embroiled in preparing for our parish’s Confirmation Boot Camp over the last couple of weeks. This week, in front of the class of Confirmation students, I thought about my journey to published author.

Blogging’s what lit my fire for writing. It’s how I came to be published.

I started blogging because I felt like maybe, possibly, PERHAPS, I should be writing. I thought about writing as something serious thanks to time spent in Eucharistic Adoration.I found myself in Eucharistic Adoration because, the year after I became Catholic, our parish started an Adoration program. I became Catholic because of the Holy Spirit at work in a guy I loved.

This week, I spoke and taught passionately about many different aspects of our Catholic faith. I tried to step back and let the Holy Spirit work.

He didn’t let me down.

Before each 45-minute session, we prayed Come, Holy Spirit. And I think I’ve found my new writing prayer.

So often, my writing is a link to God. It’s my letter to him, often literally. It helps me process how he’s at work in my life.

It’s hard to take myself seriously as a writer, but I find it even more challenging to think of myself as a serious blogger. Oh, I love it and I AM serious about it. But…it seems silly, doesn’t it? It’s words on a screen. I’m no big deal in the world of blogging.

But those words in the air, the ones I pray, get transformed into so much more, thanks to the Holy Spirit. I think, with his hands over mine on the keyboard, blogging might be one more way of being his instrument.

Sarah Reinhard, author of Welcome Baby Jesus: Advent & Christmas Reflections for Families, is a Catholic wife, mom, blogger, reader, and farm girl who can be found at She’s also active on Twitter and Facebook.

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