Live Blogging and Coaching and Interviewing, OH MY!

My brain is spinning. In less than one week, I hit the road, baby (and possibly niece) in tow to attend the Catholic Writers Conference Live.

I’ve never been to a writers conference like this (though I have participated in online conferences). In fact, the last time I was at a conference at this level was probably more than 20 years ago, when I was in FFA.

Not only am I attending this conference, but I find that I will also be coaching a few people about blogging and also conducting some interviews (a few of which have me jumping! up! and! down!).

But I can’t think of all of that right now. Right now, the laundry, meal planning, and details of those who are staying behind has my brain whizzing and my heart racing.

Then there’s the matter of my blog. I’ll be spending the week here, live blogging. You can bet I’ll be live tweeting, too, so check me out on Twitter (I’m @peerybingle) during the week! And I couldn’t leave my Facebook page without a plug or two, so there will probably be pictures and such there.

With all that, I think my blog will have some scheduled stuff running, while all the live action–the real life side of things–takes precedence in other places.

Sometimes, that’s the role my blog plays. Instead of capturing the moment in my life, it covers me while I go away for a while. Sometimes, I’ll call myself “out of blogfice” and not post anything. Other times, I just won’t post (that’s what happened in the early part of this week, in fact). And still other times, like next week, I schedule things ahead of time, including guest posts and reviews.

Will you be at the live conference this year? Be sure to stop by and say hi!

Sarah Reinhard is a Catholic wife, mom, blogger, reader, and farm girl who blogs at She is the author of Welcome Baby Jesus: Advent & Christmas Reflections for Families. Connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.

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