En Route…Trip Notes

We still have a day or so before the actual Catholic Writers Conference Live begins, but I’m en route, and since I’m live blogging, the experience has begun for me!

Yay for that!

Today, for the first time ever, I met CWG President, awesome novelist, and all-around amazing lady Ann Lewis. I also met Margaret Rose Realy, who is just as delightful as you’d expect (and, in fact, even more so).

In fact, we’re all caravaning together; they’re in a room across the hall from me tonight.


The day began, for me, around 5:30 AM when the man-cub woke up. He never really went back to sleep, though I sure tried. The adventure known as Getting to the Conference began at a Panera Bread on the other side of Columbus, Ohio, where we met up with Ann and Margaret.

We survived the roads (which is sayin’ something…you won’t find me complaining about Michigan drivers anymore after my experience with Pennsylvania drivers) and the food (which has been excellent so far) and even an influx of coffee (Margaret denied an after-dinner java, citing something about a need for sleep).

We may or may not stay up all night talking in the hallway while the baby (and niece?) sleep, trading tales about all things writing and reading and depleting the hotel’s supply of complimentary Andes mints.

This may or may not be the trip in which I become one of those people with a named GPS in my van. (Hey, if the voices in my head have names, why not my GPS? Because I haven’t been inspired by a good one yet!)

Tomorrow, we arrive in Valley Forge. My hotel room is sure to be the start of the fun: we’re sharing it with the incomparable Lisa Mladinich and her daughter. On my list of people I have to hug in person are Lisa Hendey, Pat Gohn, and Karina Fabian. (I’ve forgotten at least five.)

There will be publishers and fellow writers, lots of learning and even more networking. My brain will go into hyperdrive and I’m sure to laugh a lot.

It’s the Night Before, and I’m excited!

(I was going to post a picture, but…well, let’s just say that if this post was going to go live before the end of the week, we had to do it WITHOUT a picture. I WILL post pictures later in the week, and maybe even as soon as tomorrow, though.)

Sarah Reinhard is a Catholic wife, mom, blogger, reader, and farm girl who blogs at SnoringScholar.com. She is the author of Welcome Baby Jesus: Advent & Christmas Reflections for Families. Connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.

1 reply
  1. Ann Margaret Lewis says:

    Can I add that Sarah is as lovely and delightful in person as she is in print – and her little Joseph is an adorable little chub. I LOVE THOSE BABY CHEEKS. And the niece is a delightful girl who's terrific with her cousin. What a fun group to caravan with!

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