Need Your Feedback TONIGHT in CWG Chats

Just a little reminder going to the blogshpere…

Tonight, we are meeting in the CWG chat room to discuss CWG Chats!

What would you like to discuss at CWG guest chats? Got guest ideas? Got questions? Bring them to the CWG chat–What to do with our chat–TONIGHT (Tuesday) a 9 pm Eastern. We want to hear from YOU!

1 reply
  1. jenniferfitz says:

    I won't be there tonight — most nights at 9pm EST I'm sitting down with the spouse for the evening date. But wanted to provide some feedback – the reason I don't attend chats is that I am almost never free Sunday nights at 9pm, so even the 2-3 times per year that I am free at that time, I just don't remember because it is so rare.

    Nothing at all to do with the company, topics, or format, all of which are great.

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