Vice President’s Column/SOA

The Catholic Writers Online Conference has come to a close. There have been 34 presenters with nearly 50 chats and many different forums.  Attendees of the online conference heard about marketing, writing tips, self-publishing and various other topics.  I attended many of the chats and, as usual, learned a lot and enjoyed every moment.

I feel blessed that I can network with fellow Catholic writers from the comfort of my own home.  Another reason to love the 21st century.

If you missed the online conference, I highly recommend you attend next year (March 4 -15, 2013).

Besides serving as Vice President for the Catholic Writers Guild, I am also the editor and creator of the Catholic Books News, a monthly newsletter that is sent out to nearly 500 Catholic bookstores and libraries all over North America.

If you have written a book and would like to promote it to Catholic bookstores and libraries all over North America, consider submitting it to the Catholic Writers Guild for the Seal of Approval.  If your book is approved, it will be showcased in a future issue of the Catholic Book News.  To find out more information about the Seal of Approval, check out this blog post by Sarah Reinhard:

Each issue of the Catholic Book News showcases one non-fiction book and one novel, a short synopsis of each book, information on how to order each book and endorsements and reviews.

If you would like to receive the Catholic Book News, please leave a comment below or email me at [email protected] and I’d be glad to add your name to the mailing list.

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