2013 Catholic Writers Conference Online CANCELED

2012 proved to be a difficult year for many of us, and we’re sorry to have to begin 2013 on such a sad note.  Circumstances beyond our control have caused us to cancel the Catholic Writers Conference Online, which was scheduled for March 4-15.  It was a combination of several factors, and not a decision reached lightly.  We had high hopes for this conference and some wonderful workshops planned, but alas, it was not meant to be.

We’d like to thank the generous people who volunteered to present and moderate at CWCO in March; it is through no fault of yours that the conference faltered this year.

In the meantime, we are still going ahead with the writers’ retreat October 13-17, 2013, at St. Francis Retreat Center, Dewitt MI.  The speakers will be Michelle Buckman, Al Kresta, Father Matthias Thelen, David Krajewski.  We are not sure of the fee yet, but will keep you informed.

In addition, we are also holding the Catholic Writers’ Conference Live on August 7-9, 2013 – Garden State Exhibition Center, Somerset, NJ.  We are in need of presenters, and thanks to a generous contribution, are able to pay small stipends to speakers this year.  Please contact Ann Lewis at treasurer(at)catholicwritersguild.com if interested.  We will also need volunteers, and as always, will provide hotel rooms and free admission.

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  1. […] On a sad note, we have had to cancel the Catholic Writers Conference Online this year. CWG has been holding an online conference for the past six years. I’ve attended and presented at most of these and have enjoyed them immensely. Karina Fabian, the past coordinator, writes about it here. […]

  2. […] the 2013 Catholic Writers’ Guild (CWG) Online Conference as been cancelled due to availability of […]

  3. […] this link: 2013 Catholic Writers Conference Online CANCELED | The Catholic … Also see:About the Online Catholic Writers Conference | The Catholic Writers …Catholic […]

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