President’s Message – January 25

photo copyright Ellen Gable Hrkach

Here in Canada, the longest month of the year is January, not only because it has 31 days, but because it’s usually snowy, cold and dreary for most of the month. It hasn’t exactly been dreary, but it has definitely been snowy. To date, we’ve had 83 cms of snow (just under three feet) with no indication that it will slow down.

Strangely, enough – and I’m not sure this is the case for other writers – January is usually my most “fertile” writing month. Ideas come so fast I don’t have enough time to write them all down. Not sure why, but it’s been that way for the past ten years.

On a sad note, we have had to cancel the Catholic Writers Conference Online this year. CWG has been holding an online conference for the past six years. I’ve attended and presented at most of these and have enjoyed them immensely. Karina Fabian, the past coordinator, writes about it here.

We are still holding the Catholic Writers Conference Live in Somerset, New Jersey (August 7-9), as well as our Catholic Writers’ Retreat in October. We’ll be sharing more details about both of those upcoming events in future blog posts and newsletters.

And, for those of you who have difficulties with the Catholic Writers Conference website, a newly revamped, newly designed, more easy to manage website is coming.

I will keep all of you in prayer and hope you will do the same for me.


Ellen Gable Hrkach
President, Catholic Writers Guild

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