Jesus, our Saviour and our Example

The tension builds.

Halfway through the week from his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, hosannas still echo in the streets and Jesus is preparing for his passion. The disciples don’t understand; they still expect Jesus to conquer their political enemies.

But he knows better. He knows what he faces.



Death by crucifixion.

Most of us can understand and identify with betrayal and abandonment in this day and age, but it is a rare individual who can identify with the intensity of what Jesus experienced on a human level.

But none of us can—or need to—understand the depth of abandonment Jesus experienced on the cross. My God, my God! Why have you abandoned me?

Because of Jesus’ obedience, we know that God will never abandon us, will never betray us.

Nor will most of us identify with the cruel torture he endured. For those who can, my prayers and the prayers of many are with you, that you may find comfort and healing through Jesus’ sacrificial love and God’s tender mercy.

Jesus did not rescue the Jews from their Roman oppressors, nor does he rescue us from the human condition. But he rescued us from our ancient enemies:  sin and death.

Let us walk with Jesus through this Holy Week. Let us pray with him in the garden. Let us witness his pain, his death, which he accepted for our benefit. Let us in turn accept our infirmities, our suffering—and throw ourselves at the foot of the cross.

Not my will, but thine be done.

He bore all our sin on his cross; let us, in love, bear but a sliver of his.








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4 replies
  1. Don Mulcare says:

    Hi Leslie,

    Thank you for sharing part of your spiritual journey.

    In particular, I like this line: “The disciples don’t understand; they still expect Jesus to conquer their political enemies.”

    Today’s disciples continue to expect political solutions, when Jesus said that His kingdom is not of this world.

    We will have to put up with the literal and figurative snow, drought, wind and unpleasantness of the human condition.

    Thanks for encouraging us to pray with him in the garden. As difficult as that may be, it is the only way to peace and happiness.

    Wishing you the fulfillment and joy that come with living out the Easter Mysteries.

    God bless,


    • Leslie Lynch says:

      Great insights, Don – as usual! Even with the benefit of being privy to ‘the rest of the story’, thanks to the New Testament, it’s still all too easy to focus on current events and prevailing governments instead of keeping our focus where it should be. On Christ, and in this particular season, on the cross.

      Of course, the cross leads to the resurrection, which is the basis for our faith.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your response, Don. You always bring depth and clarity with you. Wishing you and your family a renewal of the hope that the Easter season brings!

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