CWG Interim Website Up and Running

Dear members,

As you know, we have had some difficulty with our site over the past week. It was hacked, and we were unable to restore the previous system.

While our new site is being developed, we have launched in interim site (thanks to Secretary and Master Programmer, Dave Law – THANK YOU, DAVE!).

The problem – while your username will not change, your password will no longer work on this interim system. Therefore, we’d like to ask you to do the following.

Go to this URL:

Click the “forgot my password” link. Put in your email address associated with your account. The system will send you a confirmation. After clicking the link in the confirmation, you will be given a password you can use to login. Return to the link above and login with the new password. At which point, you’ll be able to reset your password to something you can remember.

Thank you for understanding. If you have any questions, you can email us at
info at .

Thanks and God bless you!
–Ann Lewis

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