From the President’s Desk

“A writer never has a vacation. For a writer, life consists of either writing or thinking about writing.” Eugene Ionesco, playwright

Summer is in full swing. With its arrival often comes the planning of vacations and trips.

Indeed, some writers truly never take a vacation as their passion for storytelling can prompt them to carry notebooks for those instances when an inspiring theme or plot idea unexpectedly arises.

For me, even when I do have an opportunity to take a holiday, I end up reading, often a book on writing or a novel which entertains, but one that also feeds my mind with ideas for future projects.

I believe the best kind of vacation is one that not only feeds our minds, but also feeds our souls. For the Catholic writer, the annual Catholic Writers Conference Live and/or the Catholic Writers Retreat are the ideal foods for both the mind and soul.

The Catholic Writers Conference Live is approaching fast and will take place August 7-9 in Somerset, NJ in conjunction with the Catholic Marketing Network Trade Show. There will be excellent presentations on a variety of topics and unique opportunities to network with your fellow Catholic writers. If you are planning to attend and haven’t registered yet, please do so at this link. To read the press release about the conference, click here.

For a more spiritual focus, consider coming to The Catholic Writers Retreat “Your Word is My Delight,” which will be held at St. Francis Retreat Center, Michigan, October 14-17.

For more information about both these events, check out this previous blog post here.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me: president(at)


Ellen Gable Hrkach

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