Catholic Writers Conference Live! A Two-fer Blog for conference goers (and stay-at-homers)

Are you headed for this year’s Catholic Writers Conference Live? If you are, check out my blog from last year regarding conference etiquette. It was good advice then, and I can’t think of a thing to improve on it. Just substitute the words Somerset, New Jersey for Arlington, Texas.

If you’re not able to go to the conference, you can still share in the excitement and even network. Go to and see who’s going to be there. If a particular publisher or presenter interests you, go to their website and see if they have a Twitter account – and then follow them. It will quickly become clear who is tweeting and which threads have value for you and your situation. You can even jump in on conversations if you have salient points to contribute. One caveat here: Unless someone invites such, do not pitch via Twitter. And, as always with social media, remember to keep your tweets polite and on-subject.

Are you one of the lucky ones going to the conference? Tweet, blog, and Facebook your experiences. Engage your followers and create a ripple effect that no one else can. Encourage questions and/or discussions that you can facilitate simply by being present at the conference. Get on the Catholic Writers Guild blog and website. You have much you can share.

Like so many other enterprises we undertake as Catholics, it’s not ‘all about me.’ Be generous with your abilities and presence, whether it’s at the conference or from home. Support each other at the conference, and share with those unable to come. This is a unique opportunity to live your faith – evangelization in an unanticipated form!

Let’s all make this year’s Catholic Writers Conference Live the best ever!


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