From the President’s Desk – November 22

As I look at my window, snow is gently falling, Americans are preparing for Thanksgiving, some of our CWG members are participating in the National Novel Writing Month and a new members-only Facebook group is thriving. If you are a dues-paying member of the Guild and you’re on Facebook, but have yet not been added, please let us know.

Have you voted in the Guild elections? Most of our current board members have volunteered to remain on the board, with the exception of Karina Fabian, who is leaving (thank you, Karina, for your many years of service on the CWG Board!!) Don Mulcare has been nominated to replace her as Committee Coordinator. If you’re a member, you should have received the newsletter, which includes the link for voting. If you haven’t received it, please let me know.

image copyright Ellen Gable Hrkach

image copyright Ellen Gable Hrkach

“A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.” John F. Kennedy

Today marks the 50th anniversary of JFK’s assassination. These lesser known words of JFK on the anniversary of his death are particularly relevant to the Catholic writer. They remind us that our writing can serve to be part of our legacy when we are gone, hopefully to be enjoyed by others.

JFK was the first Catholic president. He was also a writer. His book, Profiles in Courage, was a Pulitzer prize-winning bestseller. Although his immoral liaisons are now well-known, as I was growing up in the 60’s, his memory was respected and revered by my parents, who were grief-stricken at the news of his death (and who kept this framed portrait in a prominent place in our home for years).

Like Pearl Harbor before it and 9/11 after, November 22nd, 1963 will continue to remain a reminder of our vulnerability. To read my personal thoughts about the anniversary of the JFK assassination at my blog, click here.

Happy Thanksgiving!

As always, if you have any concerns, please feel free to email me: president(at)

In Jesus and Mary,

Ellen Gable Hrkach
President, CWG

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