The War by the “Worldly” is Secular Abuse Against the Very Heart of Christianity

It was a brutally cold winter night in 1839 when Jeanne Jugan brought  the sick, blind, homeless woman into her home.  All she wanted to do was help the poor woman.  She had no agenda.  She wanted nothing.  She simply wanted to do what God’s graces had asked her to do, “Love her neighbor”.   Jeanne never planned to have people begin to follow her example.  She never dreamed that she would become the founder of an organization  called the Little Sisters of the Poor.  Jeanne Jugan could not in her wildest dreams foresee the order she had founded serving the elderly poor in 31 countries around the world.  She must have had tears of joy streaming down her saintly face when Pope Benedict XVI canonized her in 2009.

Today she,  and many others with her in the heavenly realm, must be so ashamed and saddened by the members of the secular world who, disguised in a mask of counterfeit virtue, are determined to lay waste to  Christianity.  Make no mistake, we Catholic/Christians are at war;  and the Worldly, including many who claim to be with us, are waging this war against us.  Their primary weapon is the Affordable Care Act aka “Obamacare”.  Where does this weapon of mass secularity have its sights trained?  Where else but on  St. Jeanne Jugan’s order, The Little Sisters of the Poor.  Are you kidding me?  The government of the United States of America, under the control of the Worldly, is after  The Little Sisters.  The order must be considered an easy target because, after granting exemptions to other groups, the Worldly refused to grant an exemption to The Little Sisters of the Poor.  Supreme Court Justice  Sonia Sotomayor, an appointee of the Worldly in power, granted the Little Sisters a temporary injunction against the mandate.  Undeterred in their mission of spreading their all-knowing  secularity, the Worldy immediately responded and asked the court to drop the appeal.  Now we wait.  We wait to see if the First Amendment of the Constitution is to be upheld.

As a Catholic writer I have unexpectedly found myself blogging more and more about subjects that pertain to things “Catholic”.  I never began writing with that in mind.  My novel, “The Priest and the Peaches”,  deals with a Catholic family and a priest but it is not considered religious.  Rather, it is classified as ‘historical fiction’.  My children’s book is not religious either.  I had  been working on the sequel to TP & TP but I have had that on hold for almost six months as I blog about things and people that pertain to my faith.  I do this because our faith is under attack.  When did any of us ever think we would live to see the day when out revered government would turn around and demand we violate our religious principles?   Our faith does not just take place INSIDE a church.  It takes place within our very hearts and minds. We are supposed to LIVE our faith and, though many of us often fail, it is our CHOICE to fail.  It is no one’s business.  The government of the United States of America does not belong in our “hearts and minds” the same as it does not belong inside our churches.

We, as a church, a faith community, and as individuals who are part of it and believe in it are being abused and are under attack.  So,  I  will keep on defending the faith the best I can with the written word.  We have not only the right but the obligation to defend this faith with which we have been gifted.  The Little Sisters of the Poor need our written voices to ring out.  So do the almost 10 million folks who are able to turn to almost 1400  charitable organizations run by the Catholic church every year. So do the people, mostly volunteers, who staff  the 600,000 plus soup kitchens feeding folks everyday and distribute food from the two million food banks and pantries.   There is a veritable population of “goodness and kindness and giving” spread across this entire nation  who ask nothing in return  for sharing their time,  their hearts and their love with those less fortunate.  The Worldly need to start minding  their own damn business.

9 replies
  1. Nissa Annakindt says:

    It’s so frightening that this can be going on in America, and so many people know nothing about it. They don’t understand how it relates to their own right to worship/not worship in their own way, and their right to follow their own conscience even when more powerful people don’t agree with them.

    I think it’s time for everyone who knows what’s going on to speak out, while it’s still possible to do something about it.

  2. Janet Baker says:

    The Little Sisters of the Poor appear to be the only US pro-life activists who actually invite abortion-seeking or post-abortion women to the Catholic Faith. This is in contrast to the many ‘crisis pregnancy centers’ which may appear to be very Catholic in ‘the back of the house,’ but offer only secular advice to the women who seek help there, even after they have decided against abortion and that particular crisis has passed. Naturally this has many negative consequences in their lives, including perpetuating the sinful life that brings them again to abortion. The post-abortion counseling initiatives (for example, Rachel’s Vineyard) as well offer only a kind of generalized ‘Christian’ spirituality, not Catholic, at their ‘retreats’ (even when they are founded by priests!). But the Little Sisters encourage pregnant women to attend mass with them in the shelter. Another sidewalk counselor and I investigated the Catholicity of various organizations after we became aware that the crisis center we most often took women to from the abortuary where we most often worked was not meeting our expectations, and ended up writing our own brochure to give abortion-seeking or post-abortion women that invited them to study the Faith because of the many advantages that confession and the sacraments give toward spiritual healing following abortion, and the Little Sisters were the only group we found, out of scores, that were Catholic in more than name only. Naturally, the World will attack them first. This post reminds me I ought to call them and donate and offer time, if helpful. Thanks for it. As far as what greater thing we can do, we have to reject secularism and re-build Christendom, as Hungary is attempting–however difficult that path may prove.

  3. Dennis P McGeehan says:

    Good post Larry. One reason I titled my blogsite Warriors World Dad is because I see the secular war on the church as the visible portion of the Spiritual War on us all. We need to keep pointing this out and get people to pay attention.

  4. DonMulcare says:

    To paraphrase what they shouted to Harry Truman…

    Give ’em Hell, Larry!

    You must be doing something right…“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you… If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you… because they do not know Him who sent Me.” John 15:18-21

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