From the President’s Desk – March 28

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I’m going to avoid talking about the lengthy, brutal winter that most of us are still experiencing to tell you about my new book, A Subtle Grace. It’s the sequel to my second novel, In Name Only, and continues the story of the wealthy and unconventional O’Donovan Family in the year 1896. At 19, Kathleen (oldest daughter) is unmarried with no prospects. Fearing the lonely fate of an old maid, her impatience leads to an infatuation with the first man who shows interest. The suave, handsome son of the local police chief seems a perfect match. But will her impulsive manner prevent her from recognizing her true beloved? A disturbing turn of events brings a dark shadow that threatens the life-long happiness she desires. Dr. Luke Peterson (the family’s new physician) also makes quite an impression on Kathleen. His affection for her leads him to startling revelations: about Kathleen, about his practice and, most importantly, about himself. Will (oldest son) believes God may be calling him to a religious vocation. Eventually, he discovers the hidden circumstances of his humble beginnings compelling him to embark on a pilgrimage to Rome.

(Although “A Subtle Grace” is a sequel, it can be read as a stand alone book.) It’s now available on Kindle and in print.

In other Guild news, the Catholic Writers Online Conference took place a few weeks ago and was a great success. If you missed any of the talks, most of them are available via transcripts at the conference website. I found the talks edifying, inspiring and helpful. Special thanks to Laura Lowder and Karina Fabian who organized the conference, and to all the moderators and transcribers!!

Volunteers needed!! If you have spare time and would like to help out with any of our committees, please leave a comment below or email me privately. We especially need a Public Relations volunteer and at least one additional person to help out with our Seal of Approval Committee.

If you’re a member of the Guild and on Facebook, please let us know so we can add you to our exclusive members only Facebook group! As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to email me: president (at)

Ellen Gable Hrkach
President, Catholic Writers Guild

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