Catholic Arts and Letters Award Finalists Announced!

It is with great excitement that the Catholic Writers Guild announces our finalists for the 2014 Catholic Arts and Letters Award for Fiction! We want to thank all of you who entered the contest. Our judges had many terrific things to say about all the entries this year. The quality was remarkable, and we truly appreciate your dedication to Catholic fiction.

Our finalists in the category of Adult Fiction are:

Treason by Dena Hunt
A Hero for the People by Arthur Powers
Rapunzel Let Down by Regina Doman

And our finalists in the category of YA/Children are:

The King’s Gambit John McNichol
aka Genius by Marilee Haynes
The Gate by Nancy Carabio Belanger

The winners of the CALA will be announced July 31st at the Thursday morning breakfast sponsored by CMN at the CMN Trade Show in Schaumburg, Illinois. For information on attending this show, please email me at [email protected] and I’ll send you information on how to register.

Again, thank you to all of you for entering the CALA and God bless you!

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