From the President’s Desk: NFP Week and Catholic Writers Conference Live

James and I teaching an online (virtual) NFP class

James and I teaching an online (virtual) NFP class

In case you didn’t know, we are coming to the end of NFP Awareness Week.

Before I became President of the Guild…even before I started my writing career, I taught Natural Family Planning (NFP). This year, my husband and I will mark our 30th year teaching NFP. My passion for promoting Natural Family Planning and Saint John Paul II’s Theology of the Body is what prompted me to start writing fiction. Since this is NFP Awareness Week, I’d like to first share a few of my NFP-themed blog posts from this week:

Theology of the Body in a Nutshell

The Spiritual Works of Mercy – TOB Style

Theology of the Body Fiction

When I self-published my first book nine years ago, I joined a local (secular) writers’ group. At the first meeting, they asked me to introduce myself and when I said I had five children, I heard a few gasps and perhaps a scoff. Someone said, “With five kids, where did you find time to write a novel?” I remember thinking, “Five kids isn’t all that many.” It wasn’t that they weren’t welcoming; they were nice enough, but I had little in common with the members. I attended a few more meetings, but eventually decided to stop going.

Soon after, I found a Yahoo group called “Catholic Writers Online.” I looked forward to the posts of fellow members, but rarely posted anything. A few years later, some of the Catholic Writers Online members started a group called the Catholic Writers Guild. Knowing they were “faithful to the magisterium,” and knowing I wanted more interaction than daily emails, I joined the Guild in early 2008 and I really felt like I had “come home.” These were writers with whom I shared a common faith and common goals. There were online conferences and in 2009, the first live conference.

The (Sixth) Catholic Writers Conference Live is just around the corner. I’m looking forward to meeting, networking and just chatting with other Catholic writers next week in Schaumburg. If you’re attending, please come and introduce yourself to me (I’ll be the short one giving orders). If you’re not attending, please pray for a successful, safe conference.

With Karina during our book signing. 2009 Trade Show/Conference

With Karina during our book signing. 2009 Trade Show/Conference

As always, please let me know if you have any questions, comments and/or concerns: president(at)

Ellen Gable Hrkach
President, CWG

5 replies
  1. Gary Ludlam says:

    Thanks Ellen, and God bless you for teaching NFP . It has truly been a blessing for our marriage. We have taught and soon will again a Pre-Cana class, and we promote NFP heavily there.

    I recently joined Catholic Writers Guild. What’s the best way to get active in it? There doesn’t seem to be much activity in the forums, and I don’t have travel funds to go to the conference. Any suggestions?

    I do plan to submit my novel for the Seal of Approval, as soon as I get a few minutes free at home. You’d think summer was the relaxing time, but our family is busier now than in the school year.

    God bless.

  2. Ellen Gable Hrkach says:

    Hello Gary,

    That’s great that you promote NFP and teach Pre-Cana!
    Re: CWG: The best way to become active in CWG is through volunteering. We currently need volunteers in a variety of committees: SoA, Catholic Book News, Blog etc. If you’re on Facebook, we have a very active members only Facebook group. When our newly revamped website is up and running, the forums will be more active (right now, you’re right, there’s little activity). We also have an online conference in March.

    Hope this helps…

    Blessings, Ellen

  3. Don Mulcare says:

    Hi Ellen,

    NPR Radio carried a discussion of the evolution of “self-publishing,” including the opinion that it is a far better way to go than waiting for the call from an agent. One author had a publisher’s offer that paled in comparison to the benefits–including financial–that the author earned on his own.

    God Bless,


    • Gary Ludlam says:

      I’ve self published a novel after years of trying the other route. Even though I only sell a handful of copies a month, it’s still hugely satisfying to have people other than my friends read it and say good things about it. I really believe it’s a great route for most authors.

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