Jean Heimann and Seven Saints – CWG April Book Blast

This month, the Catholic Writers’ Guild is touring Guildie Jean M. Heimann’s book, Seven Saints for Seven Virtues. It’s been awarded the CWG Seal of Approval. Check out this collection of seven stellar saints who model heavenly virtues that inspire us to lead holy lives.

Seven Saints for Seven Virtues

Jean M. Heimann

Summary: To live a virtuous life might seem like a daunting task, but we are fortunate to have examples to follow—the saints who have faced sin through the embodiment and exemplification of virtue. In this book, the reader will meet seven saints who lived seven virtues, and will discover concrete ways that they can live those virtues in their own lives. Each chapter will include:

  • A quote from the saint
  • A personal reflection on each saint
  • A brief biography
  • A discussion on the spirituality of each saint, and concrete examples how to emulate this saint and grow in the virtue that saint models
  • A prayer to conclude each chapter, asking for the intercession of that saint

Seven Saints for Seven Virtues covers a wide range of spirituality and life circumstances, demonstrating that everyone, in every role of life, has the opportunity to live a virtuous life.

Find it Amazon —

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Check out Jean’s blog, Catholic Fire:, to learn more about the saints.

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