CWG Book Blast: The Rose Ring by Anne Faye

This month, the Catholic Writers’ Guild is touring Guildie Patrice MacArthur’s’s book, The Rose Ring. It is an SOA winning novel about the power of forgiveness. (Patrice writes as Anne Faye.)

The Rose RingSummary:

Left at the altar by Zach Richards ten years ago, Julia Manning has buried her pain by leading a quiet life working at a bookstore, helping her sister, visiting residents at a local nursing home and attempting to be a good daughter. When Zach suddenly arrives back in town and her overbearing mother fixes her up with the last man on earth she would ever want to date, Julia is forced to face her past, whether she wants to or not. A resident at St. Francis Nursing Home, Elizabeth Phelps suffers from dementia and becomes convinced that a ring Julia is wearing is actually her engagement ring from her beloved Joseph, who is away fighting in World War II. As Elizabeth waits for his return, Julia becomes determined to discover the mysterious story behind the ring and to do whatever she can to help Elizabeth heal. The Rose Ring, is a gentle story of forgiveness and the power of love to overcome even the greatest obstacles.

Patrice has put the book on sale for the blast: $7.99 for the print version (that’s $2 off) and 99 cents for the Kindle version (as opposed to $1.99) Help her pay for her son’s tuition and enjoy a great read.


Get it on Amazon:

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