The Kids Need a Bed Tonight

I had planned to post something about writing this month but I have been diverted. Hope you don’t mind.

I have been a member of the St. Vincent dePaul Society for a long time. In case you did not know this, this organization (now worldwide) was started by a 20 year old student at the University of Paris back in 1833. The young man’s name was Frederick Ozanam and he had been challenged by the modern day “secularists” to “practice what he preached.” So he went out to the street, gave away his coat (it was winter), and he and four friends began the society which they named after St. Vincent dePaul who was known for his work with the poor. Frederick was beatified in 1997 and his is a story for another day.

For today though, I just thought I would link to an article from Aleteia Magazine which spotlighted a story I wrote about one  morning a number of years ago working at the St. Vincent dePaul outreach office in downtown St. Petersburg, FL. The story is true and it will give you a look  behind the scenes at some of the work Vincentians do. Hope you like it.

Hope you all had a great 4th of July. God bless you all.

The kids need a bed tonight.

Copyright 2016 Larry Peterson

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