Cath-Lit Live: A Garden for Mary

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.


A Garden for Mary by Neena Gaynor; illustrated by Bernadette Gockowski

A Garden for Mary is a lyrical children’s story that gets to the root of devotion to Jesus’s mother through sacred prayer and scripture. With classic watercolors of vibrant blooms, buzzing bees, and curious chipmunks, families seeking an introduction to the rich catholic tradition of Marian Gardens will find a treasured resource to enjoy and pass down from generation to generation. Complete with an illustrated appendix of flowers associated with Our Lady, A Garden for Mary will inspire readers to grow bouquets for heaven and deepen their love for our heavenly mother. (TAN Books)


About the author: Neena Gaynor is a Kentucky wife, mother, and beekeeper. She’s spent much of her adult life living out of a suitcase with her husband, Wade, a former professional baseball player. Throughout the 30 changes of address, the stresses of moving a young family, and working many of those years as a nurse, she learned to embrace the peace that only comes from Christ. Now, Neena and her family are small farmers, raising chickens, sheep, bees, and two little boys. She is an adult ministry leader at her parish, the writer behind the Words Like Honey column, which is carried by many secular and religious publications, a frequent radio guest, and the author of the Catholic novel, The Bird and the Bees, and the newly released children’s picture book, A Garden for Mary. Find more at


You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.


Copyright 2022 Amy J. Cattapan

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