Let Jesus In

Discernment can be a difficult task, and as Catholic writers, this includes our discernment for our writing. I have found that the only way to find clear directions, regardless if we write fiction or nonfiction, is to invite Jesus to be our guide.

I long to do the will of God, but at times I am caught by paralyzing fears of inadequacy and ineptitude. I do not have a formal Catholic education, and in my weak moments I start to believe that I do not have anything to offer or contribute to the world of Catholic writing. Even though that I have family members, friends, and even my priest cheering me on, I fall prey to these vicious inferiority thoughts.

I read Saint Thérèse of Lisieux’s Autobiography, The Story of a Soul. for a project I’m working on. I highly recommend it! She wrote it as a response to a request from her superior in the convent, and it reads like a letter written to a friend. I felt like Thérèse wrote it directly to me.

Thérèse’s life on earth outwardly seemed unremarkable (she became a Carmelite nun at age 15 and died at age 24); but thanks to The Story of a Soul, people like me have been learning about her profound yet simple way to heaven for more than 100 years. It is not written eloquently, but its message has changed countless lives. Because of this journal-style book, she has been named one of only four female Doctors of the Church.

Many phrases and ideas struck me, but none more so than her open confession to not being educated by traditional means. She tells us that she struggled with understanding deeply theological books, but that Jesus gave her the knowledge and understanding directly. She says, “Jesus has no need of books or doctors of the Church to guide souls. He, the Doctor of doctors, can teach without words.” (Martin, Thérèse. The Story of a Soul. Translated by John Beevers. Image Books, 1989).

I reread those words many times to let them fully sink in. The concept of being taught by Jesus directly makes so much sense, even though I never realized it before. I now know, if I will let Him, Jesus will teach me too. I do not need extra letters after my name to have something valuable to contribute to the world, because my words are not my own when Jesus is my guide. As long as I am inviting Jesus in, His will can and will be done through me.

© 2022 Maria Riley


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