The Catholic Writers Conference is Almost Here!

My husband recently participated in a home brewing contest. While there, I did something I’d never done before – poured beer for hundreds of people. Observing the brewers, their families, and their interactions, I realized they had a lot in common with the writing community.

Creativity, camaraderie, affability, and their support and encouragement of one another. I think I have a whole blog post of parallels to share, but I’m saving that for later. What I want to share with you now is the joy and energy I felt in the room. And, no, it wasn’t the alcohol. Before any beer was served, I sensed a joy that comes when you are with those who share your passion and understand the challenges in creating something for the benefit of others.

I recognized it because that’s what I’ve felt every time I’m in the company of Catholic writers. That’s what awaits you at this month’s Catholic writer’s conference.

We are only weeks away, but maybe your schedule has opened up. Maybe you’ve gotten creative with your finances or your travel plans. Maybe you’ve been on the fence about going, waiting for a nudge. Consider this your nudge.

Registration remains open, but you have to act soon! Click below to register now.

Registration is being handled through the Catholic Marketing Network. 

When you register, remember to click on “Catholic Writers Guild Track.” This is the only way for CMN to properly credit the Guild for its registrations.


Cover Our Conference in Prayer

Whether you can attend the conference or not, please consider a critical contribution you can make from home. Would you pray for the Guild’s intentions?

We’re asking members to commit to praying for specific intentions for the duration of the conference:

  • For safe travels
  • For our organizers and volunteers
  • For our clergy and religious
  • For those pitching projects
  • For presenters, panelists, and publishers
  • For technology to work as it should
  • For our attendees
  • For our deceased members

Click below to sign up for a day and a category. You’ll receive an email reminder a day ahead of time. Then, simply offers that day’s prayers or sacrifices for the intention you chose.

Our identity as a Catholic organization sets us apart from other writing support organizations. Here, we can lift up one another in prayer. Let’s not take this opportunity for granted.

Sign up to pray.

Are you on LinkedIn? So are we.

I’ve been dusting off our LinkedIn page, hoping to make it more active and useful. If you have a LinkedIn account, please follow the Guild and considering adding your membership to your resume.

Volunteer Opportunity: Bigmarker Managers

Do you like tech and want to help the Guild? We need of a couple of volunteers to manage the Bigmarker system. (It’s as easy as Zoom.)

What you need to know:

  • To increase our webinar offerings, volunteers are needed for beyond the annual online conference.
  • Assistance is needed with setting up the online conference. (The next will be February 24-26, 2023.)
  • Webinar masters are paid (usually a percentage of paid registrations).
  • Training videos are available as well as assistance from our resident Bigmarker expert, Karina Fabian.
Interested? More questions? Ready to commit? Let us know.

Seal of Approval

The Seal of Approval application opens for the 4th quarter on Thursday, September 1, 2022 at Noon EDT. When open, you can access the Seal of Approval Application Form. Reminder: If your book has received an Imprimatur, it is ineligible for the Seal of Approval but receives all benefits associated with the Seal. More information on the Seal of Approval process.

Copyright 2022 Carolyn Astfalk

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