The Secret About the Catholic Writers Conference Live

I saw the advertisements, read the testimonials, and took the plunge: I signed up to attend the Catholic Writers Conference Live (CWCL) in July 2022. This decision felt monumental for many reasons, but most significantly because it signified the first time I invested financially in my new aspiration as a Catholic writer. 

As promised, the sessions were relevant, educational, helpful, and intimate. The subjects included things like spiritual writing, the benefits of traditional publishing, and social media guidance; and every session included opportunities to ask questions. 

The CWCL was one available track during The Catholic Marketing Network’s Conference and Tradeshow: Momentum ‘22. This meant two things for us writers. First, we had access to browse the tradeshow floor and check out all kinds of cool merchandise and companies in the Catholic world, and second, though the entire conference was large, the writers track stayed small enough that by the end of the three days, I recognized every face–even if I hadn’t learned every name. 

This community and their support, both from the professionals presenting and leading the conference as well as from my fellow attendees, is what really made the trip to the Chicago suburb worth it. Sitting in those rooms, surrounded by others who find themselves sharing my call to spread the love of Christ through the written word, was the most at home I’ve felt beyond my own family and local parish. 

I expected relevant topics and to take a lot of notes. I expected to connect and network with others in this field. But here’s what they don’t tell you: the Holy Spirit joins us in those rooms. 

The Catholic Writers Conference Live is a place where more than two are gathered in His name, and His presence is felt. I personally felt touched by the flame of the Holy Spirit as I was sent out, back to real life, to continue to pursue my vocation. Life is full of uncertainties, but this I know: attending the CWCL gave my soul the boost it needed to take my writing career to the next level.

I can’t wait to go back next year. I hope to see you there. 

© Maria Riley

7 replies
  1. Shelly Kelly says:

    You said it so beautifully! “But here’s what they don’t tell you: the Holy Spirit joins us in those rooms.” This is the palpaple difference between other conferences and Catholic conferences I’ve attended. Everyone is so genuinely happy to meet you, to give you a hand if you need one, and you can meet new lifelong friends.

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