Dear God

Dear God –

I sat thumbing through each page of my recent journal, earnestly looking for an article topic this month. It is not often that my idea bank runs dry. So, when that happens, it can be frustrating. I have made it a practice that when I feel God has given me a topic to write about, I highlight it or place a circle around it on the journal page. This makes it easier for me to find as I page through when the time comes.

I like to use a lined journal with pretty gold edges, and if it has scripture passages in the bottom margin, that is a perk.  I just love the days when my prayer and the pre-printed verses on the page blend perfectly. I often circle and highlight those moments as well.

Journaling has become a routine part of my prayer life.  My spiritual director insists that when you journal, you engage in an intimate prayer moment, and I can’t argue her point. I’ve experienced some pretty deep connections to what my heart wants to say to God as my pen glides across the page. Moments like this do not happen daily, which you might think they would since I am always writing on spiritual matters. 

Spiritual Writing happens for me when I listen to the guidance and nudges of the Holy Spirit. Always pointing me toward a topic or a situation that is, most often, something I would never consider writing about. Journaling prayer is quite the opposite. 

I believe the Holy Spirit is with me in the experience of prayer, but as I write to Jesus on my page, I am more apt to collapse in the emotions of what is happening in my life on that given day. There is a surrender that takes place, a release of fear in that I am entirely alone with Jesus and my thoughts. This may not sound any different than praying with words, but think about it for a moment.  If you had something really important to ask your best friend, do the words flow more accessible from your voice or your written hand?

I have an amusing memory that pops up surrounding that question. Growing up, I was always the shy and quiet one both at home and at school.  Almost every time I wanted to ask my parent’s permission for something, I left a handwritten note on the kitchen counter before bed. Then in the morning, I would race from my bedroom to see their answer. 

In those instances, fear kept me from vocalizing my request. In the act of writing, I was successful in stating my need. As a result, sometimes I received the answer I wanted, other times not so much. We can apply this same practice to our prayer. Fear may be blocking us from vocalizing our needs, but when the pen strikes the paper, it may pour from your heart. The result of our prayers, whether spoken or written, will have the same outcome as my childhood memory. Some will be answered in the way we hope, others not so much. Not knowing how God will respond is where our faith and trust in Him take hold.


Communicating with God in this way is not an exact science, and it will differ from person to person. If you are not familiar with journaling prayer, consider giving it a try. You might be surprised at how your heart and mind open up to communicating with Jesus in this way.  However, if you are the type where your voice is more apt to be free of clutter and genuine than holding a pen, then I say don’t stop speaking your prayers; use journaling as a supplement.

As I stated at the beginning of this post, I set out today to find an article topic. I felt I was initially unsuccessful until I realized that God had sent me into the journal with my hands up, asking for His help.  He accommodated me by reminding me why I journal in the first place. Opening my heart in the most intimate and vulnerable ways leads me to deeper communication and often results in God’s insightful guidance. Today was no different, as God led me to share these fruitful insights, which I know will lead Him into your heart. The next time you pray, keep your journal handy, when you feel the time is right, simply grab hold of your pen, and scribe: Dear God.

Copyright 2022 Kimberly Novak
Images: Canva

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