“Come to me, all you who labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
Today’s gospel about the 10 lepers is well known to Catholics. Only one, the foreigner (a Samaritan), realizing he was cleansed, came back to thank Jesus. I can’t imagine living a life inflicted with leprosy in a time when support from others was not typically available. But I do believe I would be grateful for the life-changing healing and reprieve such as Jesus so mercifully and freely gave. While leprosy in the western world is practically eradicated, our lives are still inflicted with maladies of all kinds. None of us are exempt. We all need intermissions.
Life is full of drama and some of it is just plain wearisome. On the other hand, some of this drama can give rise to energy and passion. It’s a choice. When everyday life gets so overwhelming, I look for the intermission. Some people would call it a break, a staycation, a re-assessment, a rejuvenation – and in those regenerative moments is the potential to fuel passion, new ideas, and great resolve. Each dilemma, challenge or problem is a call to consideration, prayer, and action instead of a cause for paralysis.

I’m ready for the pause,
footlight’s flicker to grow dim –
when I can reconsider-
breathe new air, then go back in
with blinders gone and wide awake,
new scenes anticipate-
since life strewn upon this stage has not yet sealed its fate.
Each passing act, each changing voice, projects truth ever clear,
the present choice, the forward move need not be born of fear.
In that brief pause I visualize new plots reality
and firmly plant within my heart a brighter destiny.
What greater climax to this drama than right before my eyes,
at close of intermission –
new paths I realize
as the play moves ever onward
and of life I stand in awe
anticipating heaven’s gate –
the perfect denouement.
Copyright 2022 by Paula Veloso Babadi
- Balancing in Thin Air - March 9, 2025
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