Spring and the Stubborn Cardinal
Spring and The Stubborn Cardinal
Spring has arrived in my neck of the woods, and with it comes the hustle and bustle of God’s fantastic flying creatures around the flowers in bloom. This time of the year, I try to take every opportunity to visit outdoor places of interest. Recently, my husband and I walked the grounds of Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, taking in all that nature had to offer. Scattered across the walking paths were sticks and small branches which had fallen in storms earlier that week. However, the beauty of the outdoor chapel, statues, and illumined candles surrounding the altar remained. Off in the distance was the whistling call of a cardinal announcing its presence, bringing happiness to my heart.
As we approached a building that housed a gift shop, the little red cardinal made its existence known, flying from its edge to a nearby tree. It wasn’t until we were inside the shop that we became aware of the cardinal’s intent. We listened to the shopkeeper’s story explaining that the cardinal was either confused or stubborn.
A sister of the Most Holy Trinity told us the cardinal had been visiting for many months. Daily attempts were made at flying directly into the shop window. These occurred so often that decals were affixed to the window to deter the bird from attempting to enter. It is common for a bird to see its reflection in a window, provoking it to go after what it thinks it sees—ultimately resulting in either an injured bird or complete surrender to the situation.
In this case, it appears the Shrine has a stubborn cardinal on its hands, and it prompted some thoughts as my husband and I recalled the activity of the bird that afternoon. Could it be that the bird was refusing to leave? What was it looking for? Had it lost a mate? Did the bird know it wasn’t getting anywhere by continuing its current behavior?
I am not alone when I share that there have been countless times when God has called me toward something, and I have run the other way. Or instances when I continued to go “my way” only to hit the same roadblock repeatedly, never realizing that the road I was trying to travel was not God’s plan. Like the cardinal at the gift shop, we spend too much time looking for something that isn’t there instead of listening to God’s voice as our guide.
Our moment of surrendering to the situation comes when we realize that our plan may not necessarily be God’s will. Like the bird flying into a window repeatedly, we are injuring ourselves when we repeat a pattern that has us, in essence, stuck. The decals in our lives that help us to see come in many forms—spiritual guides, faithful friends, parents, siblings, a spouse, and our children. Let’s not discount the stranger or good Samaritan who will help us to visualize what is ahead through teachable moments.
We can only hope that the cardinal visiting the sisters at the Shrine stops long enough for God to provide enlightenment or perhaps send another bird to provoke a different activity. You and I both know that if it continues on the path it is now, the bird will eventually suffer hurt beyond repair. The same is true for you and me. If we continue on the wrong track and fight the direction of God, our circumstances may result in a chaotic life.
The cardinal has as many choices as you and I. We can continue flying into the window, never getting anywhere, or set our sights on a path for God to light and guide us. Discernment becomes clear through consistent prayer and prayerful conversations with a spiritual director or parish Priest. Take advantage of the freshness and new beginning spring offers, open the windows of your heart, and fly.
Copyright 2023 Kimberly Novak
Images Copyright Canva
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