Learning A New Language Part 2

 Learning A New Language Part 2


I wrote an article about learning a language. In my previous article, I gave some advice about how to get started with learning another language. It takes a while for beginners like me to build good habits while learning another language.

The language that I’m seriously studying right now is French. Why did I choose French? Good question. I think part of the reason why I’m currently studying French is because I have, over time, developed an interest in France.

That is because three of my favorite saints lived in France. St. Therese the Little Flower, is the first saint that comes to my mind, and St. Joan of Arc. The third saint is St. Bernadette.

I wanted to learn more about the French language partly because of the interests that I have right now relating to the Catholic Faith. For example, one of my favorite Catholic devotions came from France.

I’m trying to speak French and write down new words in a notebook. It is good to develop habits like this. Even though some of the words and pronunciations are very difficult for me.

Learning a language is a fun challenge. It encourages you to continue with the language even though it is difficult. I’m also learning how to read very basic words and sentences in French.

I know that “Je suis” means “I’m” in French. And that “sont” means “are” in French. I have also been trying to look up some of the other words in my French dictionary. But if a word is not included in the dictionary, then I look it up on the internet. The internet is pretty accurate when it comes to certain French words or phrases.

Don’t give up on learning a language right away! Spend some time with it. If for some reason you are frustrated with it, and this frustration stays with you, then move on to another language.

Practice writing the language that you are studying. Just like what I’m doing. This helps to reinforce certain words in your mind. Have fun with the language! Ask God to help you and to give you wisdom in this area.

Copyright 2023 Angela Lano


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