Starting the New Year

Starting the New Year

2024 is here! It is time to work towards accomplishing our New Year’s resolutions lists! What is on your list? Do you have a dream? A goal? Something that you have always been wanting to do?

It is okay to plan out our lives. Writing things down on a piece of paper helps us to think about our futures. But once in a while, one or two of our plans change. We might not understand at the time why God allows something else to happen that would affect our wishlist.

Some of our dreams and desires are not always realistic. When you plan for the new year, think about some of the things that you want to do. Are they practical? Are they realistic? Are these things pleasing to God?

Ask God for guidance while you make your “to-do” list. Think about the things that encourage you in your walk with the Lord. Do you want to grow more in contemplation? What about your friends or family members? Are your new goals going to affect them?

Are you thinking about jumping into something that is going to be very important? Something that is going to affect you financially? Write down the pros and cons of your dreams.

Is there something that is keeping you from your new goal? Are you afraid to make this dream come to life? How is it going to help you in the long run? Sometimes, our dreams can be short-lived. We might think about something for only a little while and forget about it the next day.

Sometimes, people try very hard to make the items on their New Year’s resolution lists happen. But for some reason or another, they postpone their actions and forget about their plans completely.

If a goal stays on your mind, perhaps that is a sign for you to stick with your plan. Anyway, no matter what choices you make, have a happy 2024! God bless you.

Copyright 2023 Angela Lano

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