Catholic Writers Conference Online

Two years ago, a friend told me about the Catholic Writers Guild and their annual online conference. At the time, I had just started dreaming of publishing a Catholic chapter book series, but I didn’t know where to start. Feeling overwhelmed, I pursued the Catholic Writers Guild website to see about this conference.

The skeptical part of my brain told me it was too good to be true. The frugal part of my brain told me $40 was a honey of a deal for access to three days’ worth of presentations. (The conference is free for clergy and $60 if you’re not a Catholic Writers Guild member; also, membership is totally worth the $40/year dues). Additionally, all the sessions are recorded, so I could go back and rewatch my favorites and check out the ones my schedule conflicted with.

To say my mind was blown by what $40 got me is an understatement. I took almost a whole journal’s worth of notes and gathered ideas for what it means to be a Catholic writer in the world today. I learned about things that I didn’t even know I needed to know, and felt the Holy Spirit reaffirming that this is what I am called to do. I met other people who shared my passion for writing within a Catholic lens. I started to believe I could actually do this.

I left that conference on fire. Since then, in the last two years, I have published the first three books of my chapter book series, visited Catholic schools to talk about my stories, written and published countless articles (one was even translated into Hungarian!), and started writing and editing Catholic curriculum. None of this would have happened without the Catholic Writers Guild.

The Guild is composed of fellow Catholics who want to use their gifts from God for good. Our genres and styles are as varied as we are, but we all strive to grow in holiness as we write. During the online conference, some presentations were more relevant and helpful to me, but I learned something from every talk.

This year, I am counted among the presenters, and I’m thrilled to volunteer to share my own experiences in the hopes of encouraging and educating other Catholic writers. Sure, I get a small stipend and exposure to other Catholic writers, but that’s not why I’m presenting this year.

Two years ago, women and men from the Catholic Writers Guild planted seeds that have begun to sprout in my life. With God’s continued light and watering, I know I will have full-grown trees one day. In the meantime, I want to spend my time planting seeds of my own.

You don’t have to be an established writer to attend this conference. You don’t have to know what you want to write or even the genre. All you need is an interest: a tiny prompting of the Holy Spirit that the written word may be one of your gifts He is asking you to share.

Join us at the online conference this year from February 23–25, 2024. Worst-case scenario? You’re out $40. Best-case scenario? Well, only God knows that.

© Maria Riley 2024

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