
Register now for the 2024 Catholic Writers Conference Live!

Register now for the 2024 Catholic Writers Conference Live!


Catholic authors of fiction and nonfiction will convene at the Holiday Inn Chicago O’Hare May 28-30, 2024, for the Catholic Writers Conference Live. This annual event is sponsored by the Catholic Writers Guild, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to building a vibrant Catholic literary and artistic culture, and hosted by the Association of Catholic Publishers (ACP) in conjunction with their annual meeting. Both new and experienced writers are welcome to attend. 




On May 28 and 29, attendees will be treated to presentations and panel discussions by top Catholic authors and editors. Tuesday’s highlights include keynote speaker Fr. Edward Looney, a priest of the Diocese of Green Bay. He is known for his contributions to Marian theology, is an author of over ten books, columnist, and podcaster (Hey Everybody, It’s Fr. Edward). Wednesday’s keynote speaker is Write These Words cofounder Claire Dwyer, a Catholic wife and mom, content editor and senior copywriter for the Avila Foundation, writing coach and co-founder of the PraiseWriters Writing Community. She is also the author of the bestselling This Present Paradise: A Spiritual Journey with St. Elizabeth of the Trinity

 During Wednesday’s lunch (included in the registration fee), attendees will have the opportunity for small group mentoring. Authors with completed fiction manuscripts or nonfiction book proposals can also sign up for a pitch session on May 30 with a Catholic publisher or literary agent. Editors from Ascension Press, Liturgy Training Publications, Our Sunday Visitor, and Pauline Books and Media, and Paulist Press will be hearing pitches. Workshops on Thursday morning complete the conference events, and writers are invited to participate in the ACP’s breakout sessions that afternoon.

Visit the conference website to view the full schedule, register, and sign up for pitch sessions.

Download and share the press release for the conference.

COpyright 2024 Barb Szyszkiewicz

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