“The wind* blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8 (1)
The winds of March always have been infamous. Some days you might be lucky enough to fly a kite along the beach, or above an open field where the grass is beginning to show a bit of green. Other days you might cower inside, with a hot cup of tea, while a raging blizzard or northeaster demolishes the emerging shoots of spring bulbs.
Whether you are experiencing the lamb or the lion as you read this, on our first March Saturday of 2024, I want to introduce you to some new friends in faith I’ve been blessed to encounter through the wind of the Holy Spirit this Lent.
Even though I’ve written and edited for small literary publications for most of my adult life, I grew up in the era of print. The role of managing editor for an online literary journal is relatively new for me. So, with a good intention towards “continuing education” — but little real hope — I ran a Google search.
And behold! An organization called Catholic Literary Arts (3) popped up in the search results, with a class entitled “How to Run a Literary Journal: The How, Why, and Wherewith” (4).
Founded by multi-faceted literary artist and president, Sarah Cortez (5), in 2020 –the year of their first Sacred Poetry Contest (6) — Catholic Literary Arts is based in the state of Texas. Already it is blessed by, and welcomes, writers from a variety of different cultural backgrounds.
The organization received assistance with its establishment, Sarah told me, from Catholic Writers Guild’s own beloved founder, supporter, and former vice president, Deacon Arthur Powers, who also served as one of CLA’s first instructors for online classes (7).
Two additional seminars on the 2024 CLA website looked so appealing that I signed up for those, as well.
Dr. J. Larry Allums’ seminar, now concluded, “The Short Story’s Brilliance and Clarity in Revealing Spiritual Truth,” focused on classical writers Nathaniel Hawthorne, Gustav Flaubert, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and James Joyce (8).
I was amazed and delighted by the openness of sharing about spiritual insights among participants. I appreciated the opportunity to recollect how important it is to study the classical spiritual writers.
Ryan Wilson, Editor-in-Chief for Literary Matters (9), based at the Catholic University of America, and the CLA instructor for “How to Run a Literary Journal …” already in our first session offered an in-depth history of literary journals; and updated participants with the latest news about an extensive list of contemporary journals. He highlighted those that are most open to submissions from writers with a spiritual focus, especially for poets (10).
I’m looking forward to “Image, Tone, and Pacing …” with popular poet Tamara Nicholl-Smith, whose work appears in some astonishing venues around the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico; as well as in the prestigious Guttenberg Bible display at the University of St. Thomas (11), in her class that will be coming up next.
Although CLA discussions thus far have taken a slightly more “academic” and classical approach to Catholic writing than the sessions I enjoyed so much at our Catholic Writers Guild live meeting with the Catholic Publishers Association meeting in Chicago last May 30-June 1, 2023 — I’ve found the warm hospitality in Catholic Literary Arts sessions equally welcoming.
With taglines like “Write with Spirit” and “Fearless Catholic Writing” (12), CLA shares with CWG a common call, and we stand together on the same home ground. Their mission statement reveals how congruent they are with our own commitment to work in the world with our God-given talents, and to help bring about the creative vision of Saint Pope John Paul II.
“Catholic Literary Arts encourages ongoing growth in literary, artistic, and spiritual development of artists and writers so that the Cultural Patrimony and rich treasures of the Catholic Church may be more perfectly explored and used to draw all peoples to God.” (13)
If you’re a published or aspiring author of Catholic children’s books, and would like to connect with influential editors from Our Sunday Visitor, Word on Fire’s new children’s imprint Spark, and Pauline Books & Media, there’s still time to register for CLA’s Meet-the-Editor Panel: Children’s Edition, on March 6 at 7:00 PM CST (14).
This might be a worthwhile option to help sustain your motivation from CWCO last month, stay on task, and relieve some of the letdown that can follow periods of deep fellowship with our spiritual colleagues at conferences.
Whatever life you are living as a Catholic writer and wherever you must go this month, may you dance in the winds of March with the Holy Spirit, who leads us all through crucifixion to resurrection.

The author, out for a walk after the March 2, 2023 snowstorm in Tucson, Arizona.
Author’s personal photo, used with permission.
Margaret King Zacharias
© 2024 by Margaret King Zacharias
Feature photo: Snowstorm rolling into Tucson, Arizona on March 2, 2023. Author’s personal photo, used with permission.
- 1.
- Sarah Cortez, personal communication.
- Memento Mori - February 15, 2025
- Visitation - May 4, 2024
- Our Luminous Eucharist - April 6, 2024
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