April 2024 Member News

April 2024 Member News

The year is still young, but our Catholic Writers Guild members are already hard at work on all
kinds of projects! From writing articles and works of fiction to developing courses and winning
awards! We’re excited to celebrate the following members and their accomplishments from
Quarter 1 of 2024! Join us in celebrating and being inspired by our fellow Guild members, won’t you?!



Young Organist Plays Maine’s Oldest Organ

by Lisa Livezey

Published in the “Organ Historical Society’s January 2024 Journal,” this article describes the oldest organ in the state of Maine (188 years), its history, and the teenager (the author’s son) who spent an afternoon playing this vintage instrument. Lisa’s article can be viewed in its entirety at






95 Questions for Protestants

by Karen Salstrom

The Coming Home Network is featuring Karen this coming Fall in a podcast, and placing a large
order with pastors who are coming into the Church. The Coming Home Network is also featuring
her conversion story! Karen’s book is available on Amazon.


There You Are, God!

by Karina Fabian

Karina Fabian and her father, Deacon Steve Lumbert have republished their short devotional under a new name. There You Are  God! shares stories of their lives as a cradle Catholic and convert with questions for finding God in your everyday happenings. It won the Christian Small Publishers Award and the CWG SoA under the title, Why God Matters. Learn more at







A Look at Life: Poems

by Belinda Terro Mooney

Belinda was awarded a contract with EnRoute Publishing for her book of poetry, A Look at Life.
You can learn more at www.enroutebooksandmedia.com/alookatlife/


Young Adult Fiction

Adventures of the Rod Braende

by Rachel Bentz

Rachel launched a new short story series! A small band of brothers, led by Prince Richard of Ruben armed with only motorcycles and wit go against a warmongering regent in the name of Prince and Country. The story will be updated monthly and is focused towards teen and Young Adult

You can learn more at





Our next Member News blog post will highlight Quarter 2, 2024 accomplishments. Stay tuned for details on how to submit your next accomplishment! (Some links may include affiliate links by which the authors benefit.)

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