Accepting God’s Will in Our Lives

Accepting God’s Will in Our Lives

Are you thinking about simplifying your life? Do you have a lot of items in your house that you are not using? Perhaps it is time for you to give some of these things away.

Maybe you feel that God wants you to imitate some of the saints who lived simply so that you can spend some extra time in prayer. If God is calling you to this, think about some of the things preventing you from continuing on with this call.

Maybe it is your career, the internet, etc. Perhaps you are spending too much time on the computer, and you need to cut back on your computer use. Even though Lent is over, we can always still practice doing acts of penance.

Sometimes God allows hard things in our lives to wake us up. Perhaps Your Amazon account was all of the sudden suspended, and you can’t upload your new manuscript on Amazon’s platform. Maybe your website is down, and you can’t log into your website account. Anything can happen.

No matter what happens, God is in control. He is going to take care of you. We should put all of our hope and trust in Him. We can always try to undo our mistakes, but sometimes God uses these mistakes as a lesson. So that we can learn from our mistakes. Sometimes God uses other people to help us make wise decisions.

If you feel called to a life of simplicity, find a quiet place in your house that is not distracting. Pick a time of the day that works best for you. Put some books and the Rosary nearby. Ask God to help you as you draw closer to Him.

It will not be easy, at first, for you to take breaks from the rest of the world. But if you want to practice the contemplative lifestyle, then it is also a very good idea for you to be cracking down on some of the things in your house that are keeping you spiritually from the Lord.

God will give you the strength you need to continue on this path. In the meantime, don’t give up on this idea! Work towards your goal! Do you have some plans that can help you with your call? Write them down on a piece of paper! Keep them nearby so that you can remember them.

Copyright 2024 Angela Lano

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