What I Love about Being Catholic Online

Every week, I encourage you to keep going with your blogging. I share tips and advice to the best of my ability. I try to be candid and not too idealistic.

Blogging’s hard work. But, as I was reminded recently, so is life. Period.

Last week, I had a bit of a family emergency. It took over my life, and it also made me appreciate, once again, why I so treasure my online Catholic community.

I posted on various social networks, repeatedly asking for prayers. I did a blog post and stuck it at the top of my blog so that it was the first thing people saw for three days.

And my family was absolutely buoyed by the prayers streaming in from people who had no idea what exactly they were praying for.

Knowing that my brothers and sisters online, people who have never met me or my family, will so generously offer prayers and more for my intentions…well, it’s enough to make this hard work of blogging worth it.

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