Learning a New Language

Learning a New Language

Do you want to learn a new language?

Learning a new language can be a lot of fun. You can learn new words, phrases, and sentences. You can challenge yourself each day by setting up little routines in your daily schedule to help you in your language learning process.

Use flashcards

Flashcards can be a way for someone to learn a new language. Writing down a word or a sentence on a blank sheet of paper reinforces the pronunciation to come alive in your mind. If you mess up one time on the flashcard, don’t worry. Rewrite the word over again on another small piece of paper.

Say the word out loud

Saying the word out loud also helps your brain to think more about pronunciation. If a word or sentence seems difficult to you at the time, put it away in a separate pile for a while. Come back to it later when you want to try again.

Find a website

There are many language learning websites out there. Some of them have really good monthly prices. Pick a website that is within your budget.

Don’t overwhelm yourself

It’s tempting for people to go back and forth between two or three languages at once. Don’t do this! I made this mistake when I was getting started with learning a new language.

Pick a language that you really want to learn. Don’t pick one just because a friend or a family member suggested it.

If you are still having trouble deciding what language to learn, pray about it: ask God to give you wisdom about which one interests you the most. If, for some reason, a particular language keeps on coming back to you, like sign language, for example, that could be a sign, you should stick with that language.

Practice makes perfect

Just like we are more likely to stick with a prayer routine if we are consistent with it, the same is true for language learning. Pick a certain time during the day to work on your language skills. For some people, the morning will be best; for others, it might be the evening. Go to another part of the house so that you aren’t disturbing friends or family members.

If you are traveling, try sticking with your little routine. You can say what you know out loud in the car while your spouse or another family member is driving. If you skip a couple of days or a week during your vacation, don’t worry. You can come back to it again after you are done with your trip.

Copyright 2023 Angela Lano

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