Protecting Your Writing

Protecting Your Writing

In this day and age, it is very easy for a hacker to break into your Amazon, Lulu, or another print-on-demand self-publishing account. When this happens, it is very difficult for a writer to control their emotions.

The writer panics and worries about their stolen manuscripts. How are they going to recover them? What if the hacker breaks into their social media platforms and steals all their information? Their followers, their contacts, etc?

It is very scary for us to think about. But this type of thing does happen to writers, publishers, and, yes, even literary agents. Stealing information from people is a very common thing among hackers. The scary part is that it can affect a person’s career.

Why am I writing about this topic? The main answer is that I’m very concerned about this issue. This issue is growing, and it is not going away! It is very important, especially nowadays, for a new writer to think about how he or she can protect his or her writing.

No matter if a person is a self-published author or a traditional published author, they must put a plan into action!

I suggest:

  1. Write down your story in a notebook. Make sure that it is in a safe location inside your house.
  2. Download an extra copy of your manuscript or sample illustrations. Store them on your computer.
  3. Don’t respond to the hacker! Sometimes a hacker might try to send you an email or a message on your social media page. Delete the email or the message right away. Even if the hacker tries to pretend they are your friend or a family member.
  4. Keep a list of your email contact information on a piece of paper. Place it beside your computer or your smartphone.

It s a very good idea for any writer, whether they are a new writer or an experienced writer, to do these things. Just in case a hacker breaks into their account. In the meantime, keep on writing! Continue your career! Don’t let a hacker ruin it for you.

Copyright 2024 Angela Lano


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