Ut in Deo Sit

Ut in Deo Sit

If one of the key elements of loving another person is to will that person’s good, what exactly does that mean? Well, of course, willing their good can include willing that they be happy; that they be healthy and well; that good things will happen to them; that good things will come their way; etc. But the deepest love you can have for someone is to will their ultimate good. And what is their ultimate good? What is every single human being’s ultimate good? Ut in Deo sit: that they may be in God. To will someone’s ultimate good is to will that they might reach their intended destiny, the destiny for which they were made: to be in God, to share forever in the eternal circulation of love that is the divine life. Thus, to will someone’s ultimate good is to will that they might choose Love. To will someone’s ultimate good is to will that they might say Yes to their God-given mission of love and fulfill that mission in their lives. To will someone’s ultimate good is to will that they might excel in the school of love, continuing to grow in their ability to love selflessly as their life progresses. To will someone’s ultimate good is to will that they might grow into God’s “bright image” of them.

Keeping the beloved’s ultimate good in mind and heart will guide you as you strive to will the good for them at specific times and in specific circumstances of their lives. To will their good at any point in time is to will whatever will help them learn to love God and neighbor more deeply. To will their good is to will whatever will help them to say Yes to their mission of love. To will their good is to will whatever will help them fulfill that mission. To will their good is to will whatever will help them to excel in the school of love, to will whatever will help them to grow in their ability to selflessly give and receive the gift of self in love. To will their good is to will whatever will help them take another step toward becoming the loving person God created them to be. To will their good is to will whatever will help them be in God.

In a happy coincidence (actually, it’s not a coincidence at all), to will all of that for the beloved is simultaneously to will their ultimate happiness, and to will that they find a profound sense of meaning and purpose in life, and to will that they be free, and to will that they be at peace. For the fulfillment of all of those deepest desires of their heart is ultimately to be found in Love.

* This article is based on an excerpt from Rick’s latest book, The Book of Love: Brief Meditations. Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

Copyright 2024 Rick Clements


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