God’s Got Our Back
God’s Got Our Back
I went to Confession hungry—hungry for something I couldn’t articulate at the time, but God knew and satisfied that unnamed gnawing through one of His kind priests. Monsignor Ignacio gave me the penance of learning Psalm 139. He told me how much God loved me and that, if I prayed this psalm, I would know absolutely just how deeply God knows, accepts, and loves me. I think I cried all the way home, realizing that, despite my faults, imperfections, and self-doubts, someone—God—could love me so completely.
I went on to memorize excerpts from that psalm and prayed it every morning for a while. I shared copies with friends and family. I even wrote it down on scratch paper during a plane ride to visit my daughter and gave it to a misty-eyed young man sitting next to me. He cried.
Eventually, I stopped the daily morning recitation and drifted into a rhythm of aimless newly retired life. But I was hungry again. I was preparing to offer a workshop at our local Catholic Writers Guild meeting. “Writing with Intent” aimed at sharing tips and tools to kick-start or rejuvenate the writing life. At that time, chapter members ranged from new writers to seasoned authors. What could I possibly offer that would appeal to and encompass such a range of needs? I began to worry and stress over the presentation.
That’s when Psalm 139 surfaced again. When we are hungry, God’s words speak to our hearts. Whether new to the pen and unsure of intent or seasoned with countless pages and seeking fresh perspectives, as Catholic writers, we need to know, without a doubt, that God loves us and has got our back. It is He Who guides our writing and satiates our hunger when we ask.
“Probe me, God, know my heart;
try me, know my concern.
See if my way is crooked,
then lead me in the ancient paths.”—Psalm 139: 23–24
The reading and meditation on excerpts from Psalm 139 set the introductory tone for the workshop, which was well received by all. God was right there for me and them. Then and now.
Excerpts from Psalm 139
Lord, You have probed me, You know me:
You know when I sit and stand;
You understand my thoughts from afar.
My travels and my rest You mark;
with all my ways You are familiar.
Even before a word is on my tongue,
Lord, You know it all.
Behind and before, You encircle me
and rest Your hand upon me.
. . .
If I fly with the wings of dawn
and alight beyond the sea,
even there Your hand will guide me,
Your right hand hold me fast.
. . .
You formed my inmost being;
You knit me in my mother’s womb.
I praise You, so wonderfully You made me;
wonderful are Your works!
. . .
How precious to me are Your designs, O God;
how vast the sum of them!
Were I to count, they would outnumber the sands;
to finish, I would need eternity.
. . .
Probe me, God, know my heart;
try me, know my concern.
See if my way is crooked,
then lead me in the ancient paths.
—Psalm 139: 1–5, 9–10, 13–14, 17–18, 23–24
St. Joseph Edition of The New American Bible
© Paula Veloso Babadi 2025
Edited by Gabriella Batel
When not playing pickleball or “Nana,” Paula Veloso Babadi cooks, gardens, and writes poetry and short personal essays. You can find her first book-length collection, Everywhere Hope, at amazon.com.
- Balancing in Thin Air - March 9, 2025
- God’s Got Our Back - February 9, 2025
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