The Fun Before the Fun

I meant to do a post sooner, but who knew the fun would start before the actual fun? The conference doesn’t technically start until tomorrow, but here we are, tucked into bed and tired from all the fun.

Today’s hug count:
– John Desjarlais
– Regina Doman
– Pat Gohn
– Lisa Hendey
– Ellen Hrkach
– Lisa Mladinich and her delightful daughter
– Jerry Webster
(Apologies if I forgot anyone, and I’m sure I did!)

Tomorrow, I’ll be doing some on-the-floor interviewing and some goggling at ALL! THE! STUFF! on the trade show floor. I’m cooking up a way to involve the two young ladies in my room, too, because wow! They have some great insight and some excitement that I just love! (And we could all use some more excitement, don’t you think?)

What a blessing this opportunity to meet in real life is, truly. As we close our day with a rosary in our room (isn’t that lovely? It was Lisa’s idea), I’m going to thank God for the gift of these flesh-and-blood people, the ones who are here and the ones who are at home.

You can also follow the play-by-play of Sarah Reinhard‘s Catholic Writers Conference Live experience on Twitter and Facebook.

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