President’s Column: Ineffable Twaddlings

by Ann Margaret Lewis, CWG President

By the time you all read this Thanksgiving will be over, Advent and our new translation of the Mass hours away and December descending quickly upon us. However, before the New Year starts, I want to offer some resolutions to you as your newly re-elected president. (For those of you unaware – we did have an election and your old board of officers was reelected with some folks switching roles…more on that under “In-House Announcements” below.)

Basically – these are my goals for the coming year in my role as president:
1. Finish tracking down a grant (with Laura Nelson’s help) and get our web sites re-developed.
2. Spend more time on the web site in the meantime. I don’t go into the forums nearly enough, and there is a lot there.
3. Clean out my email box (I have almost 10 thousands messages. Can you believe it?)
4. Get my office so completely organized that I know where everything is and why… that way I can work more efficiently and effectively as your president.
5. Finish writing a book – any book – by May. To be president of a group of writers, I must write…

As I think of more things I’ll let you know. Meanwhile, don’t be shy in sharing some goals you’d like to see your officers attain by writing us at [email protected]. God bless you all and have a blessed Advent!

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