From the President’s Desk – May, 2013

As I write this, the rain is softly falling, the birds are chirping and I’m frantically trying to meet four deadlines. Such is the life of a writer.

Have you ever heard of the saying “Many hands make light work?” If you have a large family or grew up in one, you know how important it is for every member to help out. In this way, the Catholic Writers Guild is much like a large family. Each member is encouraged to do his part, even if it’s only a small part.

Image copyright James and Ellen Hrkach

The Catholic Writers Guild has over 300 members and perhaps only 25 active volunteers, many of whom volunteer for several jobs and activities within the guild. (Special thanks to our volunteers!) Some of these jobs entail only ten minutes a week; others are more time-intensive. Prayerfully consider stepping up to the plate and helping out with the Guild.

If you would like to volunteer, please email me: president(at)

And…don’t forget…the Catholic Writers Conference (August 7-9) is fast approaching. If you are planning to come and have not yet registered, please do so as soon as possible. If you’re not able to attend, you can still ask for your SOA-approved book to be displayed.

Catholic Writers Conference Registration

Until next month…


Ellen Gable Hrkach

2 replies
  1. Don Mulcare says:

    Dear Ellen,

    I’ve been trying to get into a crit group. I have about five, 60K+ word manuscripts and would appreciate feedback. One way that might happen is if I started a crit group for orphan writers who don’t have a group of their own. This might work for new members. They could transfer out once they found something closer to their favorite genre.

    I’m in the short story crit group, but aside from my commenting on two children’s stories I’ve seen no action, despite my submitting a short story manuscript as a trial balloon. There were requirements and pledges to join the short story crit group. I’m sure that a similar requirement should factor into the Orphan Crit Group development.

    The two problems with this idea are that I’ve have very limited crit group experience and, although I read different genres, it is possible that I could only give a general critique rather than a genre specific suggestion.

    Right now I’m doing a book review: Pope Francis, the Pope from the end of the Earth. My blog has not yet been listed on the CWG home page. Such a listing might make it easier to share the review with the CWG. Its address is

    Thank you.

    God Bless,


  2. Ellen Gable Hrkach says:

    Hello Don,
    Where have you been trying to get into a crit group? In the forums on our website? I’ve forwarded your info to the blog coordinator to add your blog to the side bar. Can you email me: president(at) and we can “chat” about a crit group…
    God bless,

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