The Christmas Haters are Here to Stay, and I am at Peace

I admit it. I get pretty ticked off at some of the anti-Christmas stuff that is dumped on us Christmas lovers this time of the year.  If you do not like Christmas, if you do not believe in Christmas, if you are anti-Christian, an atheist, agnostic, or even a Vulcan,  why do you give a ‘flying reindeer’  what we Christmas lovers love?  Why can’t you let us enjoy our creches with the innocent baby and Christmas trees and wide-eyed children filled with the awe of an impending  visit by Santa on Christmas Eve? How in the name of candy canes and snowflakes can these things bother you? Hey man, I don’t care if you don’t roast chestnuts on an open fire or do not drink eggnog. Why do you care if I and the millions like me, do?  But a heavy weight has finally been lifted from my shoulders. I have finally  accepted the fact that you anti-Christmas people have been around for centuries (ever hear of King Herod?) and are never going to stop your ranting and raving. Yes, this Christmas I am at peace with you.

Christmas is so much more than a ‘certain day’ each year. It is about faith and love and goodness and giving and sharing and the twinkle in the eyes of children and songs about  peace and joy and angels and poor people (shepherds) and rich people (the wise men) and the star, the brightest and  most wonderful star ever seen.  For over two thousand years this star has lit the way for all  blood-lines as they traveled across the centuries. It is about  Salvation–the Salvation available to each and every one of us who has ever lived. So, whatever is the problem with all of you  anti-Christmas, anti-God, anti-Jesus people who are somehow “offended” by KINDNESS and GOODNESS and LOVE? Why do you want to ruin it for the vast majority of people who LOVE Christmas and all it stands for? How can you be so  self-centered and self-absorbed that you are willing to snatch  joy and happiness right from the hearts of millions of children? What is wrong with you supposedly tolerant, caring, people?  I don’t get it. How can you hate Christmas?  Well, I have decided that you cannot hate Christmas. If you say that you do–you are living in a state of permanent denial.

So, for this Catholic man who believes that the reason for Christmas is the Virgin birth of Christ the Savior this is the Christmas that I have come to peace with  you  anti-Christmas folks, all of you. Filled with a “Bah-Humbug” spirit, you have tried to bludgeon all of us  Christmas lovers  into submission.  You and your kind have been doing it for centuries, even before Dickens came up with the cliche back in 1843. It is old news folks, very old news and you have failed and will always fail.

Please know that this Christmas this believer will say a prayer for all of you who do not believe. I will pray that  you catch a glimpse of that star that shines so bright.  Maybe a droplet of its light will find its way into  your heart.  If you do happen to catch a glimpse of it, don’t turn away. You will have ignored a beautiful Christmas moment. You will have chosen the proverbial “hunk of coal” over a “sweet candy cane”.  So keep your eyes and hearts open, and Merry Christmas to EVERYONE.  For me, this Christmas is truly Peace on Earth no matter what anyone says or does.




2 replies
  1. J.D. Cowan says:

    Yes, Larry, Christmas isn’t going anywhere. It will be here long after the haters of the day are still shaking their fists and covering their ears.

    Hate joy they might, but one day they might just give in. Until that day, I will continue to enjoy the Reason for the season and all the great things that come with it.

  2. DonMulcare says:

    Hey Larry, what’s with the slam on the Vulcans? Maybe you could bash the Borg, but Vulcans and Klingons have a deep spirituality and could well appreciate Christmas and Jesus.

    It seems that in my locality, the pro-Christ-mas push-back has surged. Down with “Happy Holidays!” It’s Merry Christmas, loud, clear and encouraging.

    Meanwhile, here’s wishing you the full enjoyment of the building excitement of Advent, leading to the explosive crescendo of Christmas-Epiphany!

    God Bless,


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