Code of Ethics

Pope John Paul II exhorted us in his apostolic letter The Rapid Development that

An authentically ethical approach to using the powerful communication media must be situated within the context of a mature exercise of freedom and responsibility, founded upon the supreme criteria of truth and justice. “

We pledge, as members of the Catholic Writers’ Guild, to be mindful of that responsibility and how it pertains to our calling as writers, editors, agents, publishers, and illustrators.

For from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.

A good person brings forth good out of a store of goodness, but an evil person brings forth evil out of a store of evil.

I tell you, on the day of judgment people will render an account for every careless word they speak.

By your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned. ” (Matthew 12:34-37)

Guided by the Pontifical Council for Social Communications’ Ethics in Communication, we have agreed, as members of Catholic Writers Guild, to abide by the following ethical standards in all our writings and interactions.

We work:

  • with honesty, integrity, and justice
  • to admit and correct mistakes promptly
  • to meet all deadlines
  • to present the truth without distortion
  • to build and sustain human community through our economic, political, cultural, educational, and religious communications
  • for the physical, intellectual, emotional, moral, and spiritual good of all people

We refrain:

  • from writing or promoting works which are libelous or slanderous, which seek to foster hatred or conflict among individuals or groups, or which contain obscenity, pornography, or morbid depictions of violence
  • from using others’ proposals or ideas without permission
  • from claiming the words or writings of others as our own
  • from forming associations or participating in activities that may compromise integrity, damage credibility, or cause scandal
  • from using the Guild’s mailing list for commercial purposes
  • from attempting to draw others away from the orthodox teachings of the Church

We respect:

  • the reasonable privacy of others
  • the confidential nature of all ideas shared within the group
  • the Catholic faith
  • the values, ethics, goals, leadership, and other established guidelines of the Catholic Writers’ Guild
  • the dignity of the person