Thursday Highlights from the 2014 CWCL

Arthur Powers wins the CALA award

Arthur Powers wins the CALA award

Gary Zimak

Gary Zimak

Claudia Volkman, "Manuscript Preparation"

Claudia Volkman, “Manuscript Preparation”

John Desjarlais' writing workshop

John Desjarlais’ writing workshop

Rebecca Hamilton spoke about marketing and social networking width=

Rebecca Hamilton spoke about marketing and social networking

CALA winner, Arthur Powers, is interviewed by EWTN's Doug Keck

CALA winner, Arthur Powers, is interviewed by EWTN’s Doug Keck

CALA finalist, Dena Hunt

CALA finalist, Dena Hunt

Treasurer and Conference Coordinator, Ann Margaret Lewis

Treasurer and Conference Coordinator, Ann Margaret Lewis.

Margaret Realy, author and blogger

Margaret Realy, author and blogger

My turn to be interviewed!

My turn to be interviewed!

I moderated the Catholic Fiction Panel: left to right, John Desjarlais, Ann Lewis, Gene Wolfe and Arthur Powers

I moderated the Catholic Fiction Panel: left to right, John Desjarlais, Ann Lewis, Gene Wolfe and Arthur Powers

Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle moderates the blogging panel. L to R: Gary Zimak, Kathy Schiffer, Rebecca Hamilton, Margaret Realy

Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle moderates the blogging panel. L to R: Gary Zimak, Kathy Schiffer, Rebecca Hamilton, Margaret Realy

Roundtable discussion after hours...

Roundtable discussion after hours…

Special thanks to James Hrkach for the photographs!

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