The New Oxymoron: Catholic Secularists

I think that the plague of secularism that has engulfed the entire world possibly reached its optimal success last February. The highly civilized country of Belgium passed a law allowing children to choose to euthanize themselves.  The final seal of approval was placed on this bill by none other than King Philippe himself.  Yes, the Roman Catholic King of Belgium, Philippe Louis Leopold Marie, signed the bill making it official.  Belgian children can kill themselves if they have “good reason” (They also need a physician, a psychologist, and the parent(s) to approve their request).

I am a Roman Catholic.  I know many people who are Roman Catholics. Most of you reading this are Catholic. You know what? Ironically, much of the anti-Catholic sentiment comes from those who say they are Catholic.  Many people who call themselves Catholic approve of abortion, contraception, and gay marriage.  Heck, Belgium is a 75% Catholic country and they voted by a 2 to 1 majority for the Child Euthanasia Law. And that is after their bishops condemned the bill. But you cannot pick and choose what parts of the faith you like and do not like, especially when it comes to the sanctity of life. Many of us do our best to adhere to and respect Catholic teaching. We who do are often called judgmental and intolerant. If you possess a progressive and “caring” attitude and reject Catholic teaching you are a Catholic Secularist. You are an oxymoron, a contradiction.

Whenever did so many of our species get so smart that laws were enacted giving people  the individual “right” to end the God-given life of someone else? People who call themselves Catholic and accept abortion and euthanasia and sex outside marriage now have a king who has joined their ranks. There are millions more.

Euthanasia is an abomination of the Natural Law which was established by God and is “naturally” ingrained in each of us. We instinctively know what is right and what is wrong. But how many of us go against the Natural Law because we have been desensitized to the point that we delude ourselves into thinking  something ‘unnatural’ is okay because it has been legalized? Adhering to Natural Law often times involves self-denial. However, secularism is the twisted religion of self-gratification. To hell with self-denial.

The State of Oregon passed the “Death with Dignity” Act in 1997.  Washington, Montana, and Vermont have also passed Euthanasia laws.  Belgium passed their euthanasia law in 2002, the second highly civilized nation to do so (The Netherlands was first).  In 2011, 1133 cases of euthanasia were reported in Belgium. In  2012, 1432. That figure represents 2% of all deaths in that country.  Statistics show that the suicide rate of those who have undergone sex change surgery is as high as 31%. Why such despair?  Why such hopelessness?

I really believe it is because many have the misguided and illogical notion that our happiness depends on “things”.  Good health, money, position, and material goods have become the god that never satisfies. Worshiping those things are the violation of God’s First Commandment. Secularism honors the god of hopelessness and despair. The God of mercy and love has been rejected for a false god.  And, after all those self-inflicted deaths, they pass a euthanasia law for children.  How sad this is.

King Philippe is one of many highly placed people who have embraced secularism and then pretended that they are being virtuous by giving approval to all things for all people.  Legalization of drugs, of abortion, of euthanasia, of same-sex marriage, are all the result of a civilized society that has deluded itself into a false happiness. This false happiness is never attained and ultimately leads people off a cliff into a sea of misery. Those that might have the “temerity” to say “NO” are branded as intolerant.  At least those folks can still sport a truthful smile even though it might have cost them defilement and persecution to keep it.

One final thought. Imagine a child of seven or eight years old who has a terrible disease that can lead to many surgeries, long term disability, and no guarantee of survival. The financial burden will also be huge. Yet, other children with the same disease have survived and led full lives. Doctors advised the parents that their child will have to endure years of torment, but they do have an option. They could discuss the pros and cons of euthanasia with their child. If those parents are absent of faith, how hard would it be for them to talk their child into accepting euthanasia because, “you will never hurt again and mommy and daddy will be with you through the whole thing.”

How far we have come in our civilized world. And that includes the many oxymoronic Catholic Secularists.

2 replies
  1. Nissa Annakindt says:

    What frightens me about Oregon is that the also have health care rationing for Medicaid patients. So there was a case of a man with advanced cancer who was told they would not pay for his chemotherapy but would spring for a state-approved euthanasia dose.

    I am on Medicaid. I have an autism spectrum disorder, diabetes and kidney disease. I have no spouse or children and live alone. When I need an expensive form of medical care, will I ever be able to persuade the euthanizers-in-charge that I want to live?

  2. Vanessa Landry says:

    This is just a continuing pattern that has been gobbling up protestantism for the past…100+ years? I wouldn’t call this new. It just happens to be one of the most successful gambits by the devil since slavery. A similar fate debauched France during the French Revolution. France used to be the crown of Catholic Europe? Europe would rather take the whole world (or at least the miserable crumbs that they’ve satisfied themselves with) than keep their soul. Now they have a bunch of gorgeous, empty and rotting churches that are government property. It’s just a new tendril of evil from that old saw modernism– which has it’s roots in 18th century ideas.

    Pleasant sounding sophistry is ascendant. God help us all.

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