Entries by Allison Gingras

Creating a “Social” Social Media Presence

Creating a “Social” Social Media Presence During last month’s Catholic Writers Conference Live in Chicago, I was blessed to offer a presentation on the importance of creating a truly “social” social media platform. Flat posts that bombard followers with “salesy” type content does not help build the loyal readers most writers desire when launching a […]

Confessions of a Journal Writer

Journal writing entered my life when I received a pastel tie-dye-covered diary for my ninth birthday. The diary came with two dainty little keys, which I guarded with my life, though a sharp pair of shears could have gained anyone entry. That summer, I discovered my aptitude and affection for reflective writing. My first musings […]

The Mercy We Are Called to Live

When introducing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy in her book, Blessed Are You, author Melanie Rigney writes, “Both types can come free and easy … or hard and challenging” (Franciscan Media, 2016, p. 66).  This immediately made me think of the healthy benefits of exercise. I can stroll around the park with the […]

The Other Side of Trust

Shortly before beginning the process to adopt a little girl from China, I stumbled across this scripture  verse; “For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit […]